Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Yoga & Hari Om

“Hari OM,”said the voice at the other end of the phone. “Hari OM”, I returned. “What a wonderful thing it is to hear Ravi say the name of the Lord,” my wife interjected. This was prompted by the well known fact that, I am not religious by nature despite being a firm believer in God.

To get back to the telephone conversation, the voice on the phone was my Yoga teacher Shyamjee, asking when he should come over the next day. After finalizing the timing, I began ruminating on the change that Yoga and more specifically Shyamjee had wrought in my life. I had become a calmer person and reoriented my focus on life with a firm emphasis on health.

“Consider this body to be your property and remember that it is priceless. People spend all their lives running after money but spare little time to look after their health. What is the use of all the money in the world if your health is damaged? So many world leaders are able to spare sometime to look after their health Are you busier than them,” Shyamjee would say every week as we did Yoga.

The simple truths of life. Something which all of us forget as we go about the business of life and living. Simple truths brought home to me by Shyamjee every Saturday and Sunday while learning Yoga from him.

While teaching me to breathe in and breathe out he would say, “Remember it is this very breath that keeps us alive. It is this very breath that is the source of life”. Again life’s meaning explained at the simplest possible level. Life itself stripped to the bare essentials. These are insights I look have been looking forward to every weekend. And of course to hearing Hari OM.

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