Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Two Minute Cook

In 1989 when I set out on my journey in life as a professional after my graduation my first stop was the Advertising Agencies Association of India where I did a short term course in copywriting. While I dreamt of writing those dream ads (and still continue to do so !) I was introduced to the case study on Maggi noodles  which now appears to be in the midst of a gathering storm with it being accused of having more than permissible levels of lead and monosodium glutamate. The case study was of course on something different. It taught us as to how Maggi had created an entire category and how it was the answer to the needs of the modern city woman who went to work but still could rustle up a meal in just two minutes.  It was not just about two minute food but a powerful statement on how the contemporary  young urban woman could do justice to her twin roles as a professional and home maker.
Naturally, the success of Maggi spawned many clones.  Some survived while many fell by the wayside.  What however was indubitable was that a new category had been created. The makers of instant coffee, Nestle, had now come up with instant food. Long before instant gratification was on offer in the form of the internet and social media.  Fast to cook. Good to eat, the company proclaimed. And millions across India agreed.

Maggi was not about two minutes of fame though.  For three decades, it has ruled the roost in its category.  Maggi has however been my route to fame. You see my entire claim to being a cook is based on the fact that I can make Maggi. You could call it my claim to two minutes of fame.  I can cook nothing in life but Maggi. Cooked and ate it long before celebrities who too find themselves in the midst of the present controversy endorsed it.

And yes I join the chorus:  fast to cook, good to eat.  The lead and the celebrities can wait.

PS: I am not taking sides in the current controversy but merely conveying what Maggi has meant to me.

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